

GFB Harvest for All Campaign Raises $22,924 for Georgia Food Bank Association

发布 2019年12月20日 在凌晨0点






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佐治亚州梅肯市的. -连续第10年, 乔治亚州农场局 supported the Georgia Food Bank Association by making a financial donation during the 82nd Annual 乔治亚州农场局 Annual Convention, 12月举行. 杰基尔岛8-10. 

基金为22美元,924 donation were raised through Farm Bureau’s Harvest for All campaign, 其中包括县农业局的捐款, 该组织的州办公室, 以及GFB青年农民组织 & Ranchers Committee’s “Calf’s Weight in Change” drive earlier this year.

“虽然我们有幸在美国拥有丰富的食物, too many among us still struggle to acquire enough food to sustain good health,十大靠谱网赌官方平台局长杰拉尔德·朗说. “We are happy to continue supporting the Georgia Food Bank Association and its programs through our Harvest for All donation.”

根据佐治亚食品银行协会的说法, food banks on average can provide four meals for every dollar they receive, 这意味着GFB的捐赠将提供近100个,000份餐点. 

美国农业部经济研究局(ERS), 在其报告中, “2018年美国家庭粮食不安全状况,的平均值为11.乔治亚州3%的家庭(大约1.1 million people) experienced food insecurity over the three-year period from 2016 to 2018, meaning that during that time those households experienced periods where their diets were reduced in quality, 多样性或可取性, 或者他们的饮食模式被打乱或食物摄入量减少. ERS报告了11年的粮食不安全状况.1% (14%).2018年全国共有300万户家庭. Food insecurity has been linked to a variety of chronic health issues. 报告全文请点击此处.

“喂饱美国人地图”互动工具, 哪个机构跟踪县级饥饿统计数据, showed that 98 of Georgia’s 159 counties had food insecurity in more than 15 percent of their households. 在粘土, 多尔蒂, 伦道夫和特雷尔县, more than 25 percent of households experienced food insecurity in 2017, the most recent year for which statistics are cited in the Map the Meal Gap report. Clay County had the highest household food insecurity rate in the state, at 27.4%.

The Map the Meal Gap report indicated 1,501,680 food insecure people in Georgia in 2017, or 14.占该州总人口的4%. Nationally, the report estimated more than 40 million food insecure people.

长和GFB青年农民 & Ranchers Committee Chairman Ben Cagle presented the check to Georgia Food Bank Association Executive Director Danah Craft. The GFB Young Farmer Committee coordinated the Harvest for All Campaign. 

In addition to helping with purchases of high-protein foods like chicken and peanut butter, donated money helps the GFBA offset costs associated with collecting and distributing food donations.

“We are grateful to the 年轻的农民和牧场主 for their leadership in Georgia,” Craft said. “Harvest for All provides critical resources to the regional food banks, with the added benefit of making more farmers aware that they can donate to food banks in several ways. Georgia farmers generously donated more than 16 million pounds of fresh, nourishing produce to our network this year through the Farm to Food Bank Program."   

GFBA于2014年启动了“农场到食品银行”项目, 通过这种方式,它直接接受农民的食品捐赠, who give nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables that grocery chains won’t buy for aesthetic reasons. Donations of food by Georgia’s farmers provide millions of meals each year. The GFBA attributes the success of the Farm to Foodbank program to its affiliation with 乔治亚州农场局.

乔治亚州农场局’s Harvest for All donation will have a statewide impact. The Georgia Food Bank Association distributes the funds to America’s Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia in Savannah, 亚特兰大社区食品银行, 查塔努加地区食品银行(乔治亚州西北部食品银行), 喂饱哥伦布的山谷, 位于雅典的乔治亚州东北部食品银行, 奥古斯塔的黄金丰收, the Middle Georgia Community Food Bank in Macon and Second Harvest of South Georgia in Valdosta. 要查看每个食物银行服务的县,请点击这里.  

自2004年以来, GFB has coordinated annual Harvest for All campaigns through which GFB members across the state have donated about 49,000磅的主食和220多美元,000 in cash donations distributed to the food banks located throughout Georgia affiliated with Feeding America.


创建于1985年, the Georgia Food Bank Association (GFBA) is a membership association composed of seven regional food banks in Georgia that collectively distribute more than 130 million pounds of food annually to over 2,000 partner nonprofits with food assistance programs throughout the state. GFBA食物银行分享食物, resources and best practices to help close the meal gap and ensure a hunger-free Georgia.

The GFBA was created in a statewide effort to support the food security of low-income and needy individuals, 家庭及住户, 通过他们的努力和他们成员食品银行的支持. 它的作用是使成员食品银行的影响最大化. The food banksare members of Feeding America, the national network of more than 200 food banks.



成立于1937年, the 乔治亚州农场局 Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization with 158 county chapters. 作为一个十大靠谱网赌官方平台驱动, 非政府组织, GFB serves as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia by advocating for them on legislative issues and promoting Georgia commodities. Its volunteer members also actively participate in activities that promote agriculture awareness.

GFB membership is open to the public and offers a wide variety of benefits, 包括十大靠谱网赌官方平台和医疗服务折扣, 旅游和家庭娱乐. Enrollment in any of the member benefits is optional and not a requirement for membership. If you would like more information about agriculture please visit, like 乔治亚州农场局 on 脸谱网 @GeorgiaFarmBureau or follow on 推特 @GaFarmBureau.



2019年十大靠谱网赌官方平台青年农民委员会主席本·卡格尔, 正确的, 以及GFB主席Gerald Long, 左, present a check for the proceeds of the 2019 Harvest for All campaign to Georgia Food Bank Association Executive Director Danah Craft during the 2019 GFB Annual Convention on Jekyll Island Dec. 9. (图片由乔治亚州农场局提供)


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