

Georgia Farm Bureau Holds 80th Annual Convention

发布 2017年12月5日 在凌晨0点


12月. 4, 2017 
CONTACT: Jennifer Whittaker


杰基尔岛,乔治亚州. -约1,来自全州各地的500名乔治亚州农民和农业企业领导人12月11日在杰基尔岛会面. 3-5 for the organization’s 80th annual convention. 为期三天的活动包括一个贸易展览和教育会议,向农民介绍影响格鲁吉亚主要商品的政策和生产问题的最新情况. During the general session on 12月. 4, convention attendees heard from 政府. 内森·迪尔,美国.S. 代表. Buddy Carter and Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black.


GFB President Long outlines vision to inspire, educate & preserve Georgia agriculture

While delivering his annual address to Georgia Farm Bureau members, 美国农业协会主席杰拉尔德·朗说,该组织在立法方面的三个首要任务是通过一项切实可行的农业法案,加强美国的粮食安全, 捍卫农场用水权,保护农民和土地所有者免受政府过度管制的权利.

“For more than 80 years, Georgia Farm Bureau has been the voice of Georgia farmers. Addressing farm issues is basic to Farm Bureau’s purpose,朗说. “A new farm bill is being developed for 2018, and farmers must speak with a united voice to have influence. 由于美国最高法院将于明年初审理一起可能产生长期影响的用水案件,农民的用水权利将继续成为佐治亚州的一个问题. Georgia Farm Bureau supports private property rights, 我们将努力遏制过度干预农民和土地所有者权利的政府机构.”

Long还概述了他对乔治亚州农场局到2020年激励和教育今天的农民的愿景, youth and consumers to preserve and promote tomorrow’s agriculture.

“我们将通过投资农业研究补助金来增加我们的教育推广,从而实现我们的愿景, 这是佐治亚州农业成功的关键之一,也是教育学生和消费者农业知识的关键之一,朗说. “We will achieve our vision to educate by engaging and developing local volunteer leaders. 我们将通过与拥有共同愿景的农业合作伙伴建立联系和合作,实现我们的保护愿景.” 

GFB计划加大努力,在学校推广农业知识,并向消费者宣传农业的重要性, as part of its vision to inspire, 长说.

As part of the organizations effort to engage and develop local leaders, Long宣布,GFB计划为其36至50岁的农民成员增加额外的项目,以保持他们在18至35岁的青年农民项目中保持对组织的参与.

“We will not reduce our commitment to our Young Farmer program, but we want to maintain those leaders we work so hard to develop,朗说.


政府. Deal discusses efforts to strengthen rural Georgia

For the eighth consecutive year, 政府. 内森·迪尔在乔治亚州农场局的年会上发表讲话,表达了他对乔治亚州农民的感激之情.

迪尔说:“作为农业局的一名成员,我感谢这个组织所做的出色工作. “只要有可能,你要给年轻人探索乡村生活方式的机会,这很重要.”

政府. 迪尔概述了佐治亚州在他执政期间为加强农村和农业而资助的许多项目. 迪尔说,该州在通常分配给佐治亚大学合作推广服务的拨款基础上,额外拨款900万美元, UGA Agricultural Experiment Stations & Veterinary Medicine Experiment Stations for fiscal year 2018.         


Since Deal took office as governor in 2011, 格鲁吉亚已经投资了1亿多美元,以确保格鲁吉亚农村地区的学生能够使用高速互联网. The One Georgia Authority, which provides grants to rural communities, 拨款约1亿美元资助农村经济项目,帮助保留或创造了25个就业机会,575 jobs in rural Georgia.

“80%来到乔治亚州的国际经济发展项目都不在亚特兰大市区,Deal说. “They may not be directly related to agriculture, but they do provide jobs for rural Georgia and allow people to stay in rural Georgia.”


“Agribusiness is doing your part in keeping us in that number one designation,Deal说. “Agribusiness contributes over $74.9 billion to Georgia’s economy.”


代表. Carter gives Washington update

U.S. 代表. Buddy Carter (R-Dist.1)欢迎乔治亚州农场局的成员来他的地区,并提供了该地区关键农业问题的最新情况, including the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) and tax legislation. 

卡特说 SHEP is about 33 percent complete, 他预计联邦政府将继续为该项目提供资金, which will make the Port of Savannah capable of handling larger cargo ships, making ag exports more cost effective. The port, 卡特说, is the third-fastest growing port in the world.

“在接下来的五年里,我们每年需要大约1亿美元来完成这个项目, 我们得到了总统和管理和预算办公室的承诺,他们会这样做,卡特说.


“Right now, the tax code is twice as long as the Bible,卡特说. “Unfortunately, and unlike the Bible, there’s not good news in that tax code. We are trying to put good news in it. 我们需要税制改革. It’s been since 1986 since we’ve had tax reform.”

Among the points of difference between the two bills is how they handle estate taxes. 众议院的法案, 卡特说, would eventually eliminate estate taxes, 当农场资产从一代转移到下一代时,这给农民家庭带来了重大的财务挑战. 


AG Commissioner Black says agriculture makes life bettter


The GATE program allows farmers exemption from sales taxes on things like farm implements, seed and fertilizer that they need to produce their crops.


 “I’m very satisfied we have a sound program. I’m satisfied that our administration of it is sound,” Black said.  “We may have some extra improvements we can make.”

Black outlined what he called the “agriculture makes life better” agenda, which includes making careers in the Department of Agriculture more attractive to employees, making Georgia a place where local food systems flourish, helping Georgia citizens start in business and stay in business, being prepared for natural disasters, ensuring the health of and care for animals in the state, 加强农产品的国内和国际营销,吸引格鲁吉亚青年从事农业事业, 林业, food processing and related fields. 


成立于1937年, 乔治亚州农场局联合会是该州最大的综合农场组织,拥有158个县分会. As a membership-driven, nongovernmental organization, GFB通过在立法问题上为格鲁吉亚农民和农村地区宣传和推广格鲁吉亚商品,为他们发声. Its volunteer members actively participate in activities that promote agriculture awareness.

GFB membership is open to the public and offers a wide variety of benefits, including insurance and discounts for health services, travel and family entertainment. Enrollment in any of the member benefits is optional and not a requirement for membership. If you would like more information about agriculture please visit,就像 Georgia Farm Bureau on 脸谱网 或遵循 GFB在推特上.


Here are two photos, along with cutlines, to accompany this release...

政府. 交易来说 ——政府. Nathan Deal spoke at the 80th Annual Georgia Farm Bureau Convention on Jekyll Island on 12月. 4. (photo courtesy of Georgia Farm Bureau)

GFB PRESIDENT GERALD LONG SPEAKING – While delivering his annual address at the Georgia Farm Bureau 80th convention, GFB主席杰拉尔德·朗概述了他对该组织的愿景,即激励和教育消费者了解佐治亚州的农业,同时保护佐治亚州农村和全州消费者的经济健康. (photo courtesy of Georgia Farm Bureau)

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